"the mentor vs pupil[raising a goblet of wine in thou's name]"
i really can't render any effective explanation or any reason for writing this article..maybe another violent outburst of emotions or maybe out of an indignation which is inexplicable though..its aint mandatory that if a war is struck between a mentor and a mentor's disciple, the latter conventionally has to win it..as a matter of fact i would definately taken the former's side..not that i would be triggered emotionally or by an astounding element of morale..but for the very reason that at sometime or the other every person is entitled to ONE final judgement for in this case its unfortunate that the mentor has to compete against his own pupil..as i heard the rains pelting down hard and lashing against the glasspanes ..i heard someone saying le me manque..!!
not that i was focussed to an extent when i can definately say that i was winning but still i was..!i was winning..he was the one and i still believe in him and i dont want him to come under the scanner of this judgement .. " " i still Je't aime et tu manques beaucoup..still!!..no matter what happens ..dont break this "espirit de corps" for it shall not do thou any good neither do i approve of this petty skirmish which thou wants to fight so direly,at the end of the day it is your call and hence cannot definately impose ..Let this cameraderie stand the strongest forces of hatred and criticism ..I owe you.. ..!!
not that i was focussed to an extent when i can definately say that i was winning but still i was..!i was winning..he was the one and i still believe in him and i dont want him to come under the scanner of this judgement .. " " i still Je't aime et tu manques beaucoup..still!!..no matter what happens ..dont break this "espirit de corps" for it shall not do thou any good neither do i approve of this petty skirmish which thou wants to fight so direly,at the end of the day it is your call and hence cannot definately impose ..Let this cameraderie stand the strongest forces of hatred and criticism ..I owe you.. ..!!
but as we understand that sometimes the most pertinent answers tend to confound us for it becomes "unecessary ergo, we alternatively remain petty mortals contiguously trying to answer our and our neighbour's questions sometimes." this process continues till one day we understand that the war between the 'mentor and pupil"shall not end but would continue for eternity till thy art defeated..and everything is swept off the face of time.. ego, false pride, pseudo intellectualism.. arrogance..I have seen it and I have also seen it being swept off the face of time and tides..[to be contd..]
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