a little less to say but a bit more to express, a little less to cry and a little more to en[joy][ as EN compassing joys and laughter [LOLs too :)] a little less to think but a byte ;) more to ponder. a little less of so much gives a little more of so much "more". feels great to pen down my half weired and half dead thoughts here again. almost a year after i gained much pain to gain something from that ' so much ' more and perhaps its an irrefutable complaint of 'many' .
nevertheless! now i can see that my writings have 'gained' much maturity but yet to gain the treasured momentum, when i compare to what i used to write in the year 2007[you can see it as well]. in the process yes! sometimes my vocab does go out of control, specially when i suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.. :) still, nevertheless! enthralled as i am!
4 th dec 2010: placed in HCL .. the best day
funny it is when i see people running after objects which they do not quite realise that they inherently do not belong to them or to their world and i am no different. you know what, ' to fall in and to fall out' thats how the horizon looks from a distance, but i give it a degree of "the threshold", i dream to change the horizon from a sphere to the convolutions , which shape a molecule of deoxyribonucleic , thereby enhilarated that I intend to become after i complete the "journey" which the 'protocol' is expected to follow..
ari..[2010,12th december]
for some more amount of "awesomeness"[ actually have started hating this term now]
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